What a beautiful morning this is. It's cool and fresh but also warm and sunny. There are few geese honking their heads off. But mostly it's very quiet. And still. I'm standing in front of the Connie tree. And God is speaking to me. It is tall and magnificent and fully mature. But wow, I do not see myself this way. I see myself as so unfinished so unaccomplished. So many things I've done, but I'm not there yet. I haven't done all that I should have, needed to, wanted to do. I'm a immature, unfinished, less-than person.
But that's not how God sees me. He sees me fully myself, fully developed. But then, I got to thinking about every tree I've ever seen. Some seem small and maybe not all the way to maturity. But they are all fully trees. And they are fully acceptable just the way they are. From a great big beautiful gorgeous tree like the one I'm looking at right now down to the tiniest little sprig. In fact, when there is a seed of a tree in the ground and hasn't even sprouted yet and all you can see is dirt, well that's perfectly acceptable too. God has built me, He's built all of us from the most hidden part of us to the most fully realized things. He's built us and we're growing. And we're good just the way we are even though, everything's not perfect. Like this tree has a lot of branches that need to be trimmed. But it's okay. It is okay. God's not about making us perfect.
And I love to look at the branches up high in the tree, I love how they reach straight up to heaven, to God, to the sun, to life. Oh, they fill my heart with joy. I know that's me. There are branches that go off to the side. That must be when I’m playing that 2048 games for way, way too long. Or I’m fixated on YouTube videos of people popping pimples. But wow, look at my branches go right up, straight up - reaching, reaching, reaching to the Lord. Oh God help me to see that in myself. Help me to let that be who I am - reaching to you. Aware that that's who I am. Wanting that to be who I am. Loving that about myself. Yes yes! Because you love that about me. You love that about me!