Today when I got in the car I sensed the Lord saying drive east. I know that sometimes I hear a message and it's not really God's message. I'm not sure what it is my own brain a movie I saw, a book I read. So I really prayed about this over and over and I heard over and over drive east. So I drove east on 62nd Wait no 64th towards the convention center. When I got to the convention center, the Lord said, turn in here, and drive around the back. And then I realized to drive around the back I really need to go back up that little road in back of the convention center. And I seem to sense him say to me yes go there instead That's where I want you to go. So I drove around the back and I thought well maybe he wants me to see something in the mountains. And as I drove along the little road I saw there was a little hill along the side. And I thought this is perfect. I can climb to the top of this little hill and see everything which I did. And I felt deeply as I looked over the city and the mountains and the land and the clouds in the sky, I felt deeply the desire to pray over the city and the thousands of people that were represented by the buildings right in front of me houses hotels apartments condos the convention center behind me and even the airport just a little ways away. And as I prayed I asked for God's glory and his kingdom and his light in his love to come down to fill to make this a hope flooded place. So that he can reach the crushed souls in recycle their pain in woundedness Yes. Yes yes yes. And then I said Lord sent me I'm here I'm ready Make me a part of this. I give myself to you in this. And then I sang my Abba Father song. But with new words instead of the words about me being a songbird, I said I am your messenger I am your ambassador I am your emissary sharing your sweet and beautiful words. And then I sang the fear song because I will tell you there is some fear accompanying my prayer. But I am not going to listen to it! I am not going to respond to it I'm going to step boldly wherever God has me step! Yes and Amen!